About us
Mission statement and Philosophy
The development of commercial outdoor adventure sports that require increased safety has created a new market in tourism. Activities such as canyoning or river rafting must be offered by reliable and professional operators who comply with industry safety standards in order to deal with the risks that are associated with these activities .
The SOA is an association of qualified commercial outdoor and adventure operators in Switzerland.
The association is organised according to Swiss law, politically independent, religiously open and acts according to ethical and democratic principles.
SOA is a member of the European Association of Outdoor Companies.
The quality of the commercial outdoor adventure industry is at the heart of the Swiss Outdoor Associations activities. The SOA defines the standards for education and training.
As a result the interests of the association's members are at the forefront.
- provides services for its members.
- is committed to the recognition of the various professions of the association's members.
- maintains good relations with authorities, offices, public institutions, organisations and professional associations.
- considers it important that the activities are carried out in harmony with nature and the environment.
- Takes a leading role in Switzerland's commercial adventure and outdoor activities.
- promotes commercial adventure and outdoor activities.
- strives for public awareness and recognition.
SOA places people and their needs and requirements at the centre of its efforts and activities.
It is open for classic and new adventure and outdoor areas.
Loyalty and discipline are the basis of good cooperation between the members.
The members of the SOA mutually respect each other's local customs and agreements.
SOA is financed by compensation for services, commercial activities and other contributions.
Der Vorstand setzt sich zusammen aus ExpertInnen der verschiedenen Fachbereiche:
Die Liste der diplomierten Guides der verschiedenen Disziplinen finden Sie in dieser Tabelle.
The SOA technical groups are responsible for the professional assessment of all issues arising in their discipline. They are also responsible for assessing and recommending the recognition of foreign diplomas and training courses.